General geography quizzes

Avg. scores
Border Rivers & Countries5.65
Calling Code & Country 15.43
Calling Code & Country 24.67
Coat Of Arms 17.36
Coat Of Arms 26.62
Coat Of Arms 36.63
Coat Of Arms 46.39
Coat Of Arms 56.67
Coat Of Arms 66.73
Common Surnames & Country7.41
Countries & Border Rivers6.29
Countries & Parallels5.25
Country & Calling Code 14.96
Country & Calling Code 24.65
Country & Demonym 19.48
Country & Demonym 29.12
Country & Demonym 38.76
Country & Demonym 48.17
Country & Demonym 57.87
Country & Demonym 67.58
Country & Demonym 75.85
Country & Equator Location 17.80
Country & Equator Location 27.57
Country & Language6.43
Country & Prime Meridian 18.53
Country & Prime Meridian 28.19
Country & Prime Meridian 37.39
Country License Plates 15.18
Country License Plates 25.02
Country License Plates 34.70
Country License Plates 44.31
Country License Plates 54.10
Country Native Names7.42
Avg. scores
Descriptions of Urban Parks6.19
Equator or Tropics & Countries5.82
Landlocked Countries7.12
Language & Country6.52
Largest Countries 15.63
Largest Countries 25.24
Largest Lake or Longest River6.36
Left Driving Countries6.74
License Plates Countries 17.81
License Plates Countries 27.93
License Plates Countries 37.37
License Plates Countries 45.92
License Plates Countries 54.52
Local Language & Country Name6.56
Longitude & latitude 16.68
Longitude & latitude 27.45
Longitude & latitude 37.31
Longitude & latitude 47.34
Longitude & latitude 57.28
Missing Border Countries 18.23
Missing Border Countries 27.40
Missing Border Countries 37.12
Missing Border Countries 46.57
Missing Border Countries 56.57
Most Land Borders5.00
Mountains & Heights5.29
Names of Winds5.97
Native Country Names6.99
Photo & Type of Landscape8.42
Rivers & Tributaries5.28
Sailing Direction & Country 15.25
Sailing Direction & Country 24.79
Tributaries & Rivers5.45